INFLANEMIA talk in Genyo (Granada)

The Pfizer Center – University of Granada – Junta de Andalucía de Genómica e Investigación Oncológica (GENYO) is a multidisciplinary research center, that encourages tthe collaboration between professionals from healthcare, academia and business to carry out researches into the genetic basis of several diseases. On an annual basis, this center organises seminars that bring together scientists from different all over the country in order toshow new results on their research projects in seminars for students and members of this center.

One of the members of the seminars organised on March 2023 was Dr. Ana Belén Pérez Oliva.

During her talk “The inflammasome: a new therapeutic target to treat congenital anaemias”, Dr. Ana Belén presented the proposals of the project she directs, entitled INFLANEMIA. The aim of this project is to find treatments for congenital anemias, based on a possible role of the inflamasomme in these diseases.