LXIV NATIONAL CONGRESS OF THE SEHH (Spanish Association of Haematology and Haemotherapy)

The National Congress of the Spanish Association of Haematology and Haemotherapy welcomes researchers from all over Spain every year, with the aim of presenting advances in novel research in the field of haematology.

The LXIV National Congress of the SEHH, held in Barcelona, served as the setting for the presentation of the latest researches carried out by Dr Ana Belén Pérez Oliva, from the “Oncoimmunology, Congenital Anaemia and Inflammation” (OCAI) group. These investigations revealed a possible role of the inflammasome in congenital anaemias and suggested that this multiprotein complex could be a possible target for the treatment of these disorders. This speech  was recognised by the Spanish Society of Haematology as the best paper of the congress, within the Erythropathology symposium.

Dr Ana Belén Pérez, and her research group, has started several investigations, in collaboration with the Haematology Service of the Virgen de la Arrixaca Hospital, to find possible treatments for patients affected by congenital anaemias and improve their quality of life.