Lòreal Unesco "For Women in Science" Award

loreal premio buena


The L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” Programme annually awards prizes in order to recognise the work of Spanish women scientists who have stood out in their fields of research. Likewise, the aim of these awards is to raise awareness of the role of women in the spanish scientific scene, as well as to reward models of female leadership, specifically young talent.

In 2022, the L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” Programme celebrated its 22nd anniversary with the awards ceremony for five Spanish women scientists under the age of 40, distinguished for their pioneering work in different biomedical fields.

The jury that selected the award-winning research is made up of a group of scientific experts in different areas: María A. Blasco Marhuenda, director of the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre CNIO; María Vallet- Regí, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the UCM and Professor of Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the UCM; Marí and María Vallet- Regí, Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the UCM and Professor of Chemistry of the UCM, and Rafael Garesse Alarcón, Proffesor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology al the UAM.

Among the award-winning studies, there are researches related to cancer, vascular health, neurodegenerative diseases and congenital anaemias.

Dr Ana Belén Pérez Oliva, from the “Oncoimmunology, Congenital Anemia and Inflammation” (OCAI) group, received the L’Oréal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” award for her research on the inflammasome and its possible implication in congenital anaemias. This project aims to find new treatments for these disorders, in order to improve the quality of life of patients, who only rely on blood transfusions to improve their state of health.

Link: https://www.loreal.com/es-es/espana/news/science-and-technology/fwis-2022/